Add Tivo-like features to any personal video recorder (PVR).
User Doc
Required Software
User FAQ
Supported Devices
Developer Doc
Developer FAQ
Developer Project Area

PVRBOT reads TV guide data from the web, finds shows matching your specific titles, schedules the recording of shows and programs a personal video recorder (PVR) with timer events to record the shows.

PVRBOT uses a computer controlled infrared remote control unit to program timer events on the PVR. This means PVRBOT will work with no modifications to your PVR hardware or software.

Just tell PVRBOT which shows you want to record and it will do the rest.

If you just want to use PVRBOT to schedule your shows check out the "Supported Devices" and "Downloads" links.

If your device is not supported and you want to add support check out the "Deverloper Doc" and "Project Area" links.

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